WonderKids is Hiring!

The WonderKids Afterschool program is all about building resilience through exploring hands-on creative projects. This spring, our WonderKids have embarked on multi-step projects that include laser cut wooden pieces, drawing plans for their artwork, creating mosaic artwork in cement, and attaching finishing hardware to their wooden pieces. Functional, sculptural, and beautiful, these projects are teaching kids to plan ahead, try and try again, and take their time in the creation of the work. These types of projects have begun to engage students who have typically shied away from art projects, helping them form a new perspective on what it feels like to be creative.

But the kids aren't the only ones practicing resilience—the staff are, too. Like many industries, the Afterschool sector is affected by the low number of applicants seeking in-person and hands-on jobs. We are currently hiring for coordinator- and manager-level positions, and also preparing to hire our Summer Camp staff. We all know how important this service is to families and how enriching it is for our youngsters, so if you have ever considered working in the Afterschool or Summer Enrichment program, please reach out to learn more. Email Virginia Lapierre, Administrative Manager, at wonderkids.manager@ruralartsvt.org to inquire.

Summer enrichment themes, location, and schedules will be released soon! Registration will open on the Rural Arts Collaborative website this spring.