Wolcott Town School Board

PBIS School of Recognition

Wolcott Elementary has been identified by VT PBIS (Vermont Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) as a "School of Recognition" for their exacting implementation of the PBIS system.

The Wolcott Town School Board governs a PreK-12 school district, which includes Wolcott Elementary School as well as the tuition of Wolcott students in grades 7-12.

Meeting Materials, Members, and Board Policies

Unless otherwise stated in the agenda, our school board meets the third Wednesday of the month from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the Wolcott Elementary School Library. All meetings are open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend.
Community members can also email the board at wesboard@ossu.org. All school board members, the Superintendent, the Superintendent's Assistant, and the Principal will receive your email. To remain in compliance with open meeting laws, the board cannot respond directly to email, but all communication will be reviewed at a public board meeting.

Click this link for the procedures for submitting a notice of an open meeting law violation.